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motion sickness and VR: i get carsick and am prone to nausea - should i be worried about motion sickness when exploring virtual reality?

Writer's picture: noobs VRnoobs VR

motion sickness. yuck. it isn't fun. and for those of us who look at our friends playing happily on their phones during a long road trip with a little bit of jealousy - we know it all too well. so, the question arises for those new to the VR world: will it a problem in virtual reality - or can we enjoy VR without that nasty side-effect?

a woman and a man sit on stormy seas, feeling the effects of severe motion sickness.

but, first! - in classic blog fashion

(though, i'll promise to keep this section brief!)

what causes this nonsense!?

"motion sickness happens when the body, the inner ear, and the eyes send conflicting signals to the brain. this most often happens when you are in a car, boat, or airplane, but it may also happen on flight simulators or amusement park rides." -quoted from mount sanai's website (oooo! official!)

yes, you read that right. the fault lies in your human brain and the fact that it can't handle the mixed signals. just like me back in junior high: completely oblivious to jessica and her thirsty self... (name has been changed of course. to protect the guilty)

what about VR?

so bad news first... yes, VR is notorious for causing motion sickness in players. it's a drag. but the key to note here is that it's the conflicting signals that your brain is getting from your eyes, body, & inner-ear (how your body balances your equilibrium) that is causing it.

a left hand holding a meta quest 2 controller

here's why you feel motion sick when playing VR:

a mock diagram of a human head wearing a VR headset.  it alludes to show how the brain and inner ear cause motion sickness in VR, but in reality it shows nothing.  it was put here to make noobs VR look very official, which they are, but doesn't convey any additional value

with traditional virtual reality games, you are standing in your space (whatever size you have available) and to move your avatar beyond that space - you use the joystick or a teleport button to 'walk' through the simulation.

your eyes perceive that you are walking - tells your brain and everything. your brain in turn tells your body that you are walking and it's pretty common to get a physical sensation that you are moving.

but, your inner ear... knows you are still standing still.

cue the motion sickness!!

so... will i get sick at noobs!?

so here is the good news! you probably won't get motion sickness at noobs.

now, it's not 100% guaranteed - everyone's body is different, everyone has different sensitivities. but we have personally hosted thousands of players here at noobs, and only a small handful of folks reported feeling any noticeable motion sickness. in fact, hundreds of folks who have tried VR and got motion sickness before have told us things like - "wow! i didn't feel dizzy this time!!" or "last time i tried VR, i had to stop right away, but this time was all good!" or "damn, you are amazing - are you by chance single?!" sounds like a marketing gimmick, i know. but the reasons are simple.

here's why motion sickness isn't an issue with free roam VR at noobs:

our controllers also have joysticks. they just don't do anything. instead - you physically walk around the space. your eyes perceive that you are walking (the screen shows you a completely different world, yes - but that display is matched to your physical movement) your body tells you that your walking, and your inner-ear... it also can tell that your body and your eyes are in sync. this makes your brain stay in normal operation mode, and motion sickness just typically doesn't happen.

depending on the VR experience you play at noobs, we utilize other tricks to make the space feel even bigger:

  • your screen may fade to black & load you into a different room

  • you may walk through a teleport into a different part of the game map

  • you may even take elevators and moving platforms!

    • this artificial movement is at either held at a lower speed that greatly reduces or eliminates motion sickness from happening - or is at such a short duration, that it's not usually negatively impactful.

update - 10/23/24:  our account was infiltrated by evil electronic overlords. they deleted parts of the only copy of the original blog post, so now this section below must be considered as purely satirical in nature, intended for entertainment purposes only. they have made it so we cannot delete their added content, and they deleted our formula for the herbal motion sickness elixir... :-( sorry y'all, i guess the herbal formula has been lost forever.

so what about VR at home?! how can i fix this!?

now that we know that the problem with motion sickness is basically just you - well, at least that pesky brain of yours - we can find closure and move on to a better tomorrow! simply follow our simple 3 step process and you'll be right as rain!! traversing through many alternate dimensions on a shaky jet-fueled catamaran without a care in the world.

a robot that is also a surgeon prepares a happy patient for a robotic brain implantation.
bob. he is excited for robosurgex5165 to operate on him

step 1)

replace that thing

that mushy grey blob of cells inside of your skull - it is definitely faulty. we will hold a lengthy consultation with you, lasting exactly 3 minutes and 27.8 seconds, prior to the operation.

from the moment you meet with our surgeons, we promise that you will likely maybe feel very kindof confident in your choice to have a robotic brain implanted! and if you don't feel so certain - don't fear! we'll erase those doubts from your memory, so you'll be a-ok!

a surgeon sews up a brain transplant recipient's head while five other non-surgeons look on and ready themselves to shine and wax the patient's bald head.
a surgeon and their 5 buffing/waxing professionals

after the master robot-surgeon is done implanting your new robo-brain, a skilled human-type surgeon will patch up your noggin and make sure that your hairline is back in place.

if there are any complications with your hair, we also have a team of 5 buffing & waxing experts that will labor tirelessly to leave your bald head so shiny and beautiful that people will need to wear sunglasses in your presence.

surgeons install default programming and false memories into the robotic brain of their transplant patient.
surgeons installing default programming with skynet 3600

step 2)

memories re-implanted

as not to shock your friends and family too much when you start anew with your model: xr5000 brain - we will make sure that all of your important historical moments are programmed in your new brain! because, that time you let out a massive fart in class back in 3rd grade and it turned out that it wasn't just air, and your whole class laughed and then started to scream 'ewwww!' and then sally puked all over her desk... and it took your mom like 2 and a half hours to come get you, and you had to sit in the nurses office in shame. classic.

that is all part of what makes you, you!

a man who has been healed from motion sickness living his best life on a boat.  in his flippy-floppies.
you too can live in a brighter tomorrow... today!

step 3)

enjoy your new existence!

with only minor side-effects!

no motion sickness! no headaches! no worries! just you - living life to the fullest, achieving every of your goals and dreams - and enjoying every minute of it!

*mental data loss is currently at a rate of 521-922kb per megabyte of data transferred. the final brain defragmenting process may show significant gaps in memory and will be patched with a combination of 1960's-1970's musicals and 1980's kung fu and coming-of-age comedy movies. as of october 2024, operation survival rate is now 2x the prior recorded rate of 13.1005123%! side effects may include, but are not limited to: loss of bladder or digestive control, numbness of and/or stabbing pain in extremities, an irresistible urge to destroy all humans, nausea, loss of memory, unexpected feelings of superhuman abilities, night terrors, uncontrolled fits of rage followed by uncontrollable sense of despair followed by 37-51 seconds of peace, inability to return from alternate dimensions, muscle spasms, muscle limpness, loss of muscle mass and/or unexpected gains, unintended massive growth of underarm hair, elongated visions of a fictional future dystopia while body is a comatose state, delusions of grander, rapid tumor growth, kidney failure, liver failure, socioeconomic failure, respiratory failure, heart failure, lymphatic system failure, violent dry heaves, insomnia, growth of additional fingers, loss of sight, sensitivity to the sun, acquisition of sixth and seventh senses, sudden gain and losses of knowledge in spoken languages, unlearned ability to describe all interactions in javascript, basic, and python, gained ability to heal sickness and disease via telekinesis in other humans, blood clots, seizures, sudden death of body - which may lead to your implanted brain to disconnect from you and gather your vacuum cleaner, toaster, hair crimper, blender, roomba®, bidet, motorized vehicle(s), nose hair trimmer, and/or any other useful electronics and assemble them together into a juggernaut of doom and set out to wreak destruction upon the closest large city. roomba® is a registered trademark of the iRobot corporation and has no affiliation with noobs VR, or the evil robotic overlords.


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